Tuesday, March 4, 2008


oh hai! i didn' 'spect inny1 so quick, i was jus' still readin' the mornin' papers an' digestin' breakfast an' the sorry state o' the wirld.
cheeshh!not gud! oh, no, wait.
okthx, ok, this is good.

(kitteh had nappers.)

oop! sorry,so sorry,nuthins gud thair, u come bak later, k?


Natalie d'Arbeloff said...

Kitteh kimmy, I gather? Glad to see you got a new space for your use and your nuse. Didn't like the nuse that youse were about to vanish from the inter-scene so I hope this means you can still function over here. See youse soonest.

kitteh pundd it said...

hah! thanks Natalie. sorry I didn't check over here a bit sooner. year or so at least. mighta made somethin' of the place. still might. I'm kinda scattered. hah! big ass breaking news.